Today was a special day at CCMI as it was the last dive for us and our last chance to perfect our rafts for the epic raft race tomorrow.
The day started off with another interesting lecture on the different types of sea turtles in the Caribbean for Team 1 (Maisy's Mafia). After the lecture we headed off to help Maisy, a turtle specialist, on her daily trip to her assigned beaches to look for new turtle nests and check on the progression of the hatching turtles. We went to two different beaches but sadly couldn't find any new nests but it was still nice to take a walk along sandy beaches in the caribic sun.

When we came back we had to prepare our diving gear to head off to"Bus Stop" - our dive site that day - straight after lunch. It was named after an actual bus that got stuck at the beach. Team 2 (Miriam's Minions) got our hopes up by telling us there would be a bus underwater which turned out not to be true, to our disappointment! We were hoping to finally come across either a shark or a turtle. Unfortunately only Cyrus was lucky enough to see a very large shark, the rest of us missed it. It was still a beautiful dive and educational as we were learning about coral diseases. We used colour tablets to identify how much the coral reef has been affected by coral bleaching. Shockingly, we realized that many of the corals were either dead or damaged.

We arrived back at CCMI and put some finishing touches on our (winning) raft. We had a delicious dinner and celebrated Lisa's sixteenth birthday with a chocolate cake made by Maisy.
All of us are very tired but it was another great day and an amazing last dive at Little Cayman.
Written by Aggie and Lisa